‘Polaris Share’ invested by Ethereum’s founding member

Polaris Share Official
1 min readJun 10, 2020
Vitalik Buterin and Joe Lubin

‘Polaris Share’, a rising power in the online knowledge sharing market, is set to open its global services as it completes the final stage of development.

‘Polaris Share’ service, certified by ‘Etherium’-’Consensys’ and supported by ‘Decompany’-’Infraware’, is a “distributed incentive knowledge trading system” that connects knowledge producers and inmates.

‘Consensys’ is an Ethereum-based block chain service and application development company founded by Joseph Rubin, a founding member of Ethereum, and Infraware Co., Ltd. is a KOSDAQ-listed company and is a leading Korean software company that developed the ‘Polaris Office’ service with 100 million users worldwide.

‘Polaris Share is confident that it will become a leader in the knowledge-sharing platform market with the aim of motivating users through compensation, delivering high-quality knowledge value, and establishing a decentralized ecosystem centered on users, not businesses.

Polaris Share Pitch at Tachyon Demoday with ConsenSys Ventures

